European complexion tends to be fair by worldwide standards. The so-called white race’s skin colour is directly related to the climate we live in and our seasons. When summertime hits in, and we greedily soak up all that sunshine we craved for so long, instead of sunkissed we often end up sunburnt, with irritated, reddened, sore skin, oversensitive to the lightest touch.

The skin protects itself.

You have probably wondered a lot of times why our skin is prone to getting sunburnt? The tan it forms is actually its protective response against UV radiation. Every  person, regardless of their race, has melanocytes in their skin for melanin production, which in turn is responsible for our skin colour. Its amount, however, is different in Europeans, Asians, and Africans. People with dark hair and eyes also tend to have darker skin and tan faster. Fair skin does not handle the tanning process very well, and when we do opt for that beachy lifestyle on holiday, adequate skincare and skin protection are crucial, or else we end up with major skin damage. Not only does it look unsightly and feels painful, but also, sadly, accelerates the aging process, thus contributing to premature wrinkles and skin discolouration. You can avoid the problem sticking to several simple rules, like for example avoiding sun exposure between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the UV radiation is at its strongest, always keeping at hand a cream with filter matching your complexion type / colour, and keeping the skin properly, deeply hydrated year round, day in, day out.

Right, but what are the ways to go when the damage has already been done and the skin is sore, irritated and desperately needs help?

Rescue for sunburnt skin

It is important to realize what the skin really needs most now. The first thing in line is providing relief and reducing the burning sensation. There are several home remedies worth trying like for instance

  • taking a cool shower to bring down body temperature in general
  • applying compresses soaked with milk, yoghurt, kefir, or fat, thick sour cream for a soothing effect.

Sometimes, however, these remedies your grandmother also once practiced, and for a good reason, won’t do the trick. Specialist products may be the only way to restore the skin to its prime condition. Arkana’s Post Treat Gel is one of the products guaranteed to make your skin  feel better. It is a soothing gel combining aloe and herbal extracts. It aids the regeneration of sunburnt skin, but also effectively treats insect bites. It is a must in any summertime beauty bag.

Post Treat Solution and Soft Clean Powder make an excellent holiday duo. The first product is a soothing formula that contains ingredients like chamomile, liquorice, rosemary, and Chinese tea among others. It works wonders for skin that is dry and prone to irritation. It may be used like a toner, i.e. after removing makeup on cleansed skin, or as a soothing solution , either for wiping the skin, or in the form of compresses.

Soft Clean Powder is a specialist product formulated for cleansing sensitive and / or sunburnt skin. It has alleviating, softening, and hydrating properties. Both products may be used to remove makeup and to cleanse. They really are your ultimate summertime must-have combo.

It’s common knowledge that prevention is better than cure. It is never more true than in the case of sun exposure. Protection against excessive UV radiation does not mean completely giving up on our longing for sunkissed skin, but it means creating conditions in which we can soak up sunshine in the safest and most comfortable way possible. Gradual tanning is the most appropriate and sensible solution. Before you head for the beach and dive into full sunshine, just make sure your beach bag has ample supply of the right kind of sun cream, such as our Sun Protector SPF 50+, and sunbathing will be a process both you and your skin can enjoy.