Can one device improve so many in our look? Is it possible to model silhouette, remove skins imperfections, strengthen hair and to get rid of aging effects – all in one treatment? Bubble beauty therapy – carboxytherapy is a proof, that everything is possible.

From the beginning of time good look was very important, but there was no possibility to improve what we thought is imperfect or not good enough. Today modern technology is the queen of innovative and up-to-date cosmetology, as evidenced by the growing number of new treatments and the growing interest in them.

Carboxytherapy – the most promising technique of skin revitalization

You can talk aout carboxytherapy in context of reduction of cellulite, but also as an alternative for botox and liposuction, to which the attitude of society is very diverse. The treatment consists of an intradermal or subcutaneous injection of controlled doses of carbon dioxide. It is all made by little needles. Carbon Dioxide stimulates processes, in result new capillaries (blood vessels) are made. In the spot, where CO2 is given, blood flow increases which is equivalent to better transport of oxygen and nutrients. Carboxytherapy also helps to break fat deposits and stimulates collagen. In results skin is more elastic and firm.

Versatile of CARBOregen  device and effects of carboxytherapy

  • Strengthening and regeneration of hair follicles and inhibition of hair loss
  • Reducing and removing effects of skin aging, such as wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, loss of firmness, change of skin colour,
  • Skin firming and smoothing, cellulite elimination, as well as improving the appearance of the silhouette.
  • Reducing stretch marks and scars

CARBOregen – specialist device of polish quality

The device was created by polish engineers in cooperation with doctors and cosmetologists. It is new approach to carboxytherapy, where not only effect, but also the way to achieve it are very important. CARBOregen by BOFS is safe, has blocking system which prevents form accidental providing of oxygen. There is also CO2 dose counter of dose that was introduce in one session, as well as few ready programs and possibility to set your own parameters adjusted to client’s individual needs.

Carboxytherapy is a treatment with many opportunities. It is used to remove imperfections of face skin and aging effects, but also to remove cellulite and stretch marks. Relative to the effects, the price of treatment is low, that is why it is getting more and more popular. There is no doubt that thanks to innovative device as CARBOregen it also safe, what’s for many people conditioning decision to undergo any treatment.